Strange Creatures Cast Ashore: Pyrosomes

In past years pyrosomes were rare finds on Oregon beaches. But in the winter of 2016 – 2017 they became as common as kelp in driftlines and in the spring they washed up in astounding numbers, awing beachcombers and spurring scientists to study why these creatures were appearing in unprecedented swarms Read More

Science on the Grill

You’re invited to our first-ever Science on the Grill! Enjoy and afternoon of free food and science on the docks and talk with ODFW biologists about marine science, marine reserves research and information about this past spring field season. Read More

Meet Our Mother-In-Law: She’s a Croaker

Meet the cabezon, a large, goth-looking sculpin whose genus name literally translates to “scorpion fish” and means “large head” in Spanish. This species was the ‘catch du jour’ during our last research trip at Cape Falcon Marine Reserve. Read More