Otter Rock

Oregon’s smallest reserve, at 1.2 sq miles. Three offshore islands mark the west boundary. Visitors can explore tidepools, view seals hauled out onto the rocks, or stroll along the beach. Read More

Double Vision: Are Two Cameras Better Than One?

Measuring a fish via video isn’t some bizarre concept dreamt up by Silicon Valley computer whizzes. This technique has been used in Oregon by ODFW researchers for the last two decades. But why do researchers want to measure the sizes of fish and how might two video cameras help? Read More

Landing on the Seafloor: Piloting a New Camera System

Video surveys offer a cost-effective, non-extractive means for collecting valuable data on fish and habitats. Like all scientific research tools, there are questions about potential biases. Results from a video lander pilot study conducted by the ODFW Marine Reserve Program looks into these questions and has some surprising results. Read More