A Look Back at 2015
At the start of the New Year, our team took a moment to reflect back on some of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Marine Reserves Program’s accomplishments from 2015. With the help of our many partners in academia, the fishing industry, coastal communities and non-government organizations it proved to be a busy year. Check out some of the Program highlights from 2015 in ecological and human dimensions research, outreach, and community engagement in the infographic below.
Based on what we learned in 2015, our work continues to evolve and adapt. We will continue to ask questions about the ability of our research tools to generate robust, valid, and unbiased data and new research studies will be added over time. Our goal is to constantly seek to improve our scientific research, how we document and communicate our Program’s work, and to support a diversity of ways for folks to engage in marine reserves implementation.
A Look Forward to 2016
Here are some things to expect in 2016 from the ODFW Marine Reserves Program.
Vessel Contracts: We are currently seeking bids for two vessel contracts. The contracts are for this year’s hook-and-line surveys at Cape Perpetua and Cascade Head. For more information or to download an application, please visit our website here.
Ecological Monitoring Report: You can expect to see another ecological monitoring report out this year, with information from all five marine reserve sites.
Human Dimensions Research Reports: There will be several reports out in 2016, from specific human dimensions research projects that have been underway over the last couple of years.
New Website: We will have a newly revamped Oregon Marine Reserves website this spring. The new website will make it easier for people to access information about Oregon’s marine reserve sites, the science being conducted, rules and boundary coordinates, ways to get involved, as well as reports and plans. Stay tuned …