Reserve Category: Otter Rock
Dive Into the ODFW Data Dashboard
We’re excited to announce the release of our new ODFW Data Dashboard. The dashboard is a website that allows you to explore marine reserves monitoring data collected by ODFW over the last 10 years Read More
Beneath the Surface at Otter Rock
Black Rockfish swim by as cryptic sea urchins and sea stars cling to rocks. This video was taken with ODFW’s video lander during scientific monitoring surveys at the Otter Rock Marine Reserve. Our long-term marine reserves monitoring is helping us track and understand nearshore ocean changes both inside and outside of the reserves over time.
School of Rockfish
A clear blue day underwater amidst a school of fish. This video clip was taken at a rocky reef located off of Cape Foulweather, which is monitored alongside the Otter Rock Marine Reserve for comparison. This monitoring is helping us track and understand ocean changes occurring both inside and outside of the reserve over time.
New Report: Qualitative Evaluation of Impacts on Fishers
This project is designed to capture the lived experience of commercial and charter fishers who are directly impacted by marine reserves. We were particularly interested in the economic, social, and cultural impacts of the marine reserves, including whether or not fishers were shifting their efforts to other species or locations following reserve implementation. Read More
Exploring Intertidal Data: Before, During, After Sea Star Wasting
Results from our intertidal surveys indicate that while Ochre Sea Star densities declined during the sea star wasting outbreak, they are rebounding … Read More
Reports from the Field – July
Our team ventured out into the intertidal this month to carry out two days of mussel bed surveys, at Otter Rock and Cascade Head … Read More
Reports from the Field – June
Our staff were excited to venture out into the intertidal this week to conduct Sea Star Wasting surveys at Otter Rock and Cascade Head. Read More