Preliminary Findings from Visitor Surveys in 2021
We recently completed a new survey of visitors that focused on marine reserve awareness, knowledge, and support, and how the reserves are related to visitors’ travel decisions. Read More
We recently completed a new survey of visitors that focused on marine reserve awareness, knowledge, and support, and how the reserves are related to visitors’ travel decisions. Read More
Recently, ODFW revisited survey data collected in a 2016 visitor survey to dig deeper and learn more about Oregon coastal visitors. The goal was to use more advanced statistical methods to see if we could use visitor characteristics to predict how much a visitor knows or thinks that they know about the ocean. Read More
Beyond the research conducted by the ODFW Marine Reserves Program, the Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve and surrounding area is attracting additional human dimensions research. One example is the recently released report from a two-year, year round, visitor survey conducted at shoreside locations along the Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve. Read More
The ODFW Marine Reserves Program’s summer interns have been busy conducting visitor surveys this summer for the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve. Read More