Another successful year of hook and line surveys is completed, which means another edition of our annual FishOn! Hook and Line Newsletter. This past year we caught and sampled 1,250 fish, representing 18 different species – including a variety of rockfishes, greenlings, and sculpins – at Redfish Rocks and Cape Falcon. Check out the FishOn! Newsletter to see survey highlights, photos, and more of the science and data our volunteers, fishing captains, and crews helped us collect in 2019.
This was our 4th year of hook and line surveys at Cape Falcon and the 7th year at Redfish Rocks. This also marked the 4th year of longline surveys at Redfish Rocks.
In 2020, we’ll be conducting our hook and line surveys at Cape Perpetua and Cascade Head. Expect to hear more from us in April when we start up our spring surveys. We’ll keep you up to date on these and our additional monitoring surveys and research happening in 2020 at Oregon’s marine reserve sites in our monthly eNewsletter as the field season is underway.